Don’t Forget –

Don’t Forget is a memory training program that teaches adults strategies to improve their memory while reducing frustrations, miscommunications, and the misconception that old age is associated with memory loss.


Don’t Forget is an interactive class with an active conversation on memory, recall, and the learning/recall process.

In this 45-minute interactive presentation, Dale will show you how to:

  • Improving communication “active listening” helps memory retention
  • Avoiding the embarrassment of forgetting a person’s name
  • How to avoid walking into a room and not remembering why
  • How to exercise the mind to stay mentally fit and improve memory
  • Several techniques to memorize passwords quickly
  • Understanding the steps to remember
  • Discover that memory and age are independent and not necessarily linked together.
Audience Interaction:

Don’t Forget requires audience interaction through shared stories, experiences, and collective brainstorming.  Volunteers will be selected to share personal stories that will be used to build a strategic password formula that will be easy for that individual to memorize and recall.

All memory exercises are designed to help the individual and become a customized solution to their memory recall system.

Why Dale

As an entertainer, college educator, professional speaker, TEDx presenter, and an individual approaching his senior years, I work with healthy living programs and show people that you can improve your memory at any age.

You will hear Dale engage the audience with humor, video, storytelling, quotes, images, and a presentation style that is the perfect presentation for any group concerned with their age and mental fitness. There are group activities to both challenge and entertain the audience, as well as Dale’s inspiring personal story.

A Chicagoland native, Dale prides himself on providing Midwest logic and practical tips on improving an individual’s memory.  These fundamentals are simple and easy to implement.

Equipment Requirments:

Dale is prepared with props, markers, and a thumb drive and connects to your in-house presentation display/computer setup.  If a laptop is required, please address this at the booking time to ensure Dale brings a laptop.

Additional Material:

Dale will provide the audience with educational material during the presentation and resources to acquire a deeper understanding of the memory process.